How a Crisis Impacts Grief & What You Can Do

When a tragic death happens, grief meets many people unexpectedly and without warning. Some aren’t able to be with loved ones during their final moments, and others aren’t able to properly grieve their loss at a funeral service. Our care team here at St. Pierre Family Funeral & Cremation Services has spoken with many families in Indianapolis, Greenwood, and Pendleton about the anxiety, fear, and uncertainty that can happen when an unexpected death occurs. 

When we assist families in planning funerals, we talk about just how unpredictable grief is, and we let them know there is no timeline or handbook on how to cope with a loss. Instead, we help make an already difficult day a bit easier by walking them through the planning process – an act of healing on its own. 

Grief presents itself in many different forms: 

  • Anger 
  • Anxiety 
  • Guilt 
  • Shock or disbelief, denial 
  • Changes in sleep patterns and appetite 

While painful feelings and reactions can become stressful and overwhelming, it’s important to remember there are healthy ways to grieve and cope. We guide families in Marion, Johnson, and Madison Counties along their grief journey every day, and offer online interactive grief support for immediate assistance to those in need. 

Learning how to cope with a loss, especially during these difficult times, is challenging. If you are grieving a loss, here are a few important reminders: 

Talk with friends, family, or new connections 

Invite friends and family members to a recurring virtual video call to stay connected and discuss any new life events. This is a good time to share your favorite memories of your loved one with those closest to you. This can include bringing favorite photos, letters, Scripture verses, emails, and even listening to certain songs. 

Access help 

We never want anyone to feel as if they’re alone. That’s why we have our interactive grief support online and available to the families we serve at all times. Acknowledging a loss is a difficult yet crucial step in the road toward healing, and our video will assist you in discovering ways to accept your loss. 

Create rituals 

Begin a blog, journal, or website that allows you to write about your loved one. If you’re doing this digitally, you can invite friends and family to share their thoughts and memories as this might also help them along their grief journey. 

If you want something more tangible and concrete, plant a tree in their honor, cook up one of their favorite recipes, or sew a quilt using their pillowcases or shirts. Many find comfort in objects they can touch and feel, as it creates a special connection between the grieving and their loved one. 

Now more than ever, remember that the care team here at St. Pierre is always here should you need us. Whether you’re looking for grief guidance, planning a service for a loved one, or planning your own funeral, you can trust us to take care of the details. You aren’t alone, and we’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – that’s our promise to you. Contact us today.